MR-202-BK Cartridge to Remote Oil Filter Adapter
Installation Instructions:
Note: Read all instructions thoroughly prior to starting installation.

Step 1
Remove existing Cartridge filter cap and filter.
Step 2
Test fit for alignment and clearance prior to O-ring installation.

Step 3
Lubricate with oil, install body and tip O-ring.
Step 4
If not installing Scrader valve lubricate 1/8” plug with oil and install with 3/16 hex wrench. See Note #1

Step 5
Install adapter with 1 1/8” socket. Apply oil to 90 degree fitting and/or Schrader valve and install. See Note #2
Helpful Hint: 90-degree fitting can be installed using a 15/16” 12 point closed end wrench.
Step 6
Lubricate O-rings on -10AN fittings and install using 1” deep socket. Install Schrader valve using 7/16” deep socket. See Note #1

Step 7
Connect customer supplied hose and fittings.
Servicing instructions at Oil Change: Prior to draining engine oil from oil pan, and oil filter removal, apply minimum 30 PSI to
the Schrader valve for at least three seconds. This will evacuate the oil retained in the oil filter and cooler. Then, remove oil
filter and replace.
Note #1: Teflon sealing tape may be used instead of oil on plug, 90 degree fitting or Schrader valve. Be certain to apply tape to
threads only and not over the end, this will avoid possible contamination of oil system.
Note #2: Adapter body may be backed out up to 340 degrees from fully seated position to obtain desired mounting
position/alignment, adapter will remain sealed.
Baxter Performance is excited to offer the MS-201-BK Cartridge to Spin-On Adapter for Pentastar Engines. This simple and effective component can reduce engine-wear caused by dry starts and help extend the life of your vehicle. Contact us today with any questions, and order yours from Baxter Performance!