Subaru Oil Filter Anti-Drain Adapter SS-102-BK
Installation Instructions:
For use on FA20/24 and FB16/20/25 engines

Step 1
Remove oil filter.
Step 2
Install adapter without base seal O-ring. Torque to 30 ft. lbs. using 1” Deep Socket.

Step 3
Establish port to be utilized for air valve.
Step 4
Remove adapter. Apply oil to hex plugs and install in two ports not utilized. (If using sealing tape, be sure tape is on treads only and not end of plug)

Step 5
Install Viton O-ring and lubricate with oil. Torque to 30 ft. lbs. using 1” Deep Socket.
Step 6
Install Schrader valve.

Step 7
Install an appropriate size oil filter that contains M20x1.5 threads. Subaru oil filters will fit this adapter. Caution: Make certain that filter/adapter height will not contact hood when closed.
Step 8
Install caution sicker if oil/filter change will be serviced by an oil service technician.

Baxter Performance is excited to offer the Subaru Oil Filter Anti-Drain Adapter SS-102-BK for use on FA20/24 and FB16/20/25 engines. This simple and effective component can reduce engine-wear caused by dry starts and help extend the life of your vehicle. Contact us today with any questions, and order yours from Baxter Performance!